29, Sep
Navigating Divorce with a Competent Divorce Attorney by Your Side

Divorce is a complex process that can have both emotional and legal consequences. Whether you are seeking to end your marriage or trying to negotiate a settlement, you need a lawyer who understands the intricacies of family law. Fortunately, finding the best divorce lawyer in St. Louis is easy when you know where to look.

The Law Office of Natalie C Phillips LLC offers legal representation in family law matters to clients around St. Louis and its surrounding metro areas. Its attorneys can help you settle issues regarding alimony, property division, and child custody and support. They also assist individuals who have been victims of domestic violence. The firm’s team of attorneys has more than two decades of combined experience in offering legal guidance and counsel.

A contested divorce involves spouses filing a petition with the court that specifies their disagreement on some or all divorce-related issues. This type of divorce requires more legal work and time in court, so it usually costs more than an uncontested divorce. However, a contested divorce may be necessary if you and your spouse cannot come to an agreement on important issues such as the division of marital property or spousal support.

In Missouri, you can file for a divorce based on one of five grounds. These include adultery, voluntary separation lasting more than a year, involuntary separation lasting over two years, and incompatibility. You must also show that the marriage is irretrievably broken. The courts will consider whether this is the case when you file your paperwork.

Once your spouse has been served with the petition, they must respond within 30 days. If they fail to do so, the judge can grant a default judgment. This will allow the divorce to proceed and can lead to a final hearing. During the hearing, both spouses will present their arguments and the judge will decide on issues like spousal support, child custody, and property division.

After the judge agrees to give you a divorce, he or she will create a legal document called a Decree of Dissolution of Marriage. This will list both parties and state that the marriage is dissolved. It will also list all of the relevant issues that were decided during the proceeding, including spousal support, child custody, child support, and property division.

A seasoned attorney can help you navigate the divorce process and ensure that your interests are protected. Choosing the right lawyer for your case is an important decision that shouldn’t be taken lightly. A reputable lawyer can make the process much less stressful and will fight to get you the outcome that you deserve. Find a reputable divorce attorney near you by utilizing the online search tools available on this website. The lawyers on this website are independently verified by Lead Counsel and must meet stringent qualifications, maintain a clean disciplinary record, and be in good standing with their bar associations. In addition, they pledge to uphold the highest levels of client service and ethical standards.

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